Tutorial insert pictures

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Tutorial insert pictures

Messagepar Eddy » Jeu 1 Nov 2012 06:58

Here, you're write your text....

After, you can insert a picture directly on forum...

You can insert an image directly on the forum

Image 1 - Step 1: Click "Add attachments"

Image 2 - Step 1: Click on the "Name" box
Image 2 - Step 2: Click "Browse" to select the photo you want to insert
Image 2 - Step 3: When the picture has been selected, click "Add file"

and finally, each inserted image, you click "Insert into Post"

insertion.png (4.52 Kio) Vu 32134 fois

and the image is positioned on the forum, and this is more aesthetic.
In addition, photos are saved as.

My English is so poor, but I hope you understand me anyway? :roll:
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